
2020 Monthly SOULPOWERED Leadership Trainings

You didn’t arrive on earth to become hostage of fear and distortions that robs of your full self expression and authentic leadership.

There is a new life calling you forward. You know it. You feel it. And you can no longer deny it.

SoulPowered is that deep inner knowing and connection with what you know is true at the depths of your being where fear, inner conflict and self doubt are a thing of the past.

What if it’s your time to step into SoulPowered Leadership?

What if now is your moment to shine? 

And what if now is the moment to unearth your Unique Gifts and hidden potentialities that the world needs in this time of planetary crisis and threat of extinction? 

The world can no longer wait. 

My intention for this monthly SoulPowered Leadership Training is to explore, experience and expand on what SoulPowered Leadership looks like:

  1. What would our new world could look like if you fully stepped into your Soul Power
  2. What is possible when you discover and awaken your unique Soul Expression and authentic leadership?
  3. What new realities could make manifest if you brought forth your unique and highest contribution that only you can bring?

Do you already feel the power of that? 

Do you already feel the impact of that? 

Do you already feel the trajectory of that? 

Not just in your personal life and the immediate community you lead and serve, but in making the world a better place… the kind of world that your heart longs and aches for… a world that your Soul belongs to and is here to create.

By coming together this way, we anchor in and solidify a whole new world sourced from Soul Power (vs Fear Power).

Every month, we will come together and explore new topics that will:

  • Awaken and activate your deepest longing to fulfill your highest potential 
  •  Gain insight how to opt out and no longer be run by the old, hijacked, programmed world run and motivated by fear
  • Gain strength, momentum and confidence as you align and step more into a SoulPowered Leadership.
  • Be part of a community where you feel held, safe and empowered to discover and explore what SoulPowered Leadership looks like for you
  • Begin to see shifts in perspective and awareness as whole new reality unfolds and aligns with your highest nature and deep, sacred desires
  • Start attracting more people who are drawn to your authentic leadership
  • And more

I know. It’s an audacious goal, but as long as you know in your heart this is also true for you, then together we can create the difference YOU CAME HERE TO DO

Your presence alone is contributing to this shift and that is HUGE especially when you attend and join live. 

Our next training is: