


Free 90 min Soul Powered Workshop to Uplevel your energy and align with your boldest vision

You are capable of living a life of authentic confidence and freedom, in which you can fulfill your unique mark in the world.

But chances are, you feel stuck in at least one area of your reality.

Are you running into blind spots and emotional challenges?

Are your old, familiar patterns of insecurity, overwhelm, and procrastination taking over?

If something feels out of balance in your life, you can usually trace your struggles back to a blockage in your chakras.


Literally speaking, the Sanskrit word chakra (pronounced “shackra”) translates to “wheel” or “disk,” which refers to energy centers throughout the body.

There are seven main chakras or energy centers. When they are out of line, we can experience exponential life challenges. However, when our chakras are functioning well, we are healthy, wealthy and happy in body, mind, heart and spirit.

In this training you will:

Identify the chakras governing your body, mind, heart and spirit, and how to know if they are open or blocked

Discover how each of the seven chakras impacts how you engage in life experiences

Learn how to know if your chakras are open so you can develop your full potential, or blocked and causing life problems.

Too many people live their lives insecure, overwhelmed, out of control and trapped. And that is blocking you from fulfilling what your Soul came here to do.

Tolerating emotional stuckness, physical exhaustion, mental fog and spiritual depletion for far too long may have served you in the past but it is now severely blocking your highest good and highest possibility.

Leaders, executives, coaches & changemakers, your Soul destiny awaits. Let’s go boost the chakras so you can powerfully step into the life, love, and Soul Powered Leadership the world needs desperately right NOW.

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