Welcome, Soul Powered Leaders
Your Soul Powered Path to Business and Leadership Development begins here.
Integrate your Soul Power into your life’s work and feel whole at last.
Imagine having the professional success
without sacrificing your peace of mind, peace of heart and peace of soul.
Your soul knows you are so much more than the tired and lost you’ve become. You simply got busy and had forgotten your SOUL POWER. ~ Tess Vergara
Your soul is calling you to discover deep fulfillment, freedom and authenticity.
Your soul is aching to express your true self, your innate power, your very essence.
Your soul is longing for your unique expression, total independence and whole at last.
You have a deeper purpose to actualize your soul’s full potential and it is time to step into higher contribution and soul powered leadership.
Take back your MIND
Take back your VOICE
Take back your SOUL
Take back your POWER
Soul Powered Executive and Leadership Coaching is specifically designed for career professionals and business owners who are drawn to continuing education and self-help, therapy, personal growth, leadership development, spiritual work because there is something deep within that knows you are so much more than meets the eye.
You have a unique contribution to give to the world that is dying to come to life. And you can no longer deny your soul.
Everyday, ordinary people everywhere are being called to take their power back from a world that feeds and preys on fear, scarcity, limitation, shame, blame, judgment, not-enoughness, shutdownness, and unforgiveness.
Everyday, ordinary people who don’t consider themselves as leaders are called to lead from the level of soul to discover and pioneer how to create and function in a world built on integrity, harmony and freedom.
If your soul is relentless and restless, and is deeply calling you to discover your purpose so you feel fulfilled in your life’s work, then you’re in the right place.
I serve leaders like you who are here to make their stamp on the world and create the difference they are here to make. So that you can just be free, and be free to express all that you truly are, for your best interest, and to serve the highest for the greatest good of all.
I share more about me here. Do roam around the website for tons of free resources, podcasts and articles. Make sure to check out the Holy Fire! Page to register for free live events and workshops on how to step fully into Soul Powered Leadership.
Do sign up for my newsletters for announcements on special offers and upcoming events.
And if you feel called to start the work with me, you can choose from:
Unsure which one? Book an appointment here. Or contact me at tess@tessvergara.com.
We are called to be more, do more, share more, give more, be it all… but not from the place of fear and hijacked, programmed, human conditioning, but from a place of remembrance, deeper experience, embodiment and expansion of our wholeness. From the level of Soul.
~ Tess
Nothing delights me more than see people I work with come fully awake, alive, audacious.
I look forward to serving you.
Tess Vergara, Soul Powered Executive Coach, addresses the conflicts many business owners and executives face between mind and heart, soul and ego. Tess guides leaders and changemakers towards achieving authentic confidence and unshakeable rock solid foundation so they can fully step into Soul Powered Leadership and create the Soul-aligned legacy, contribution, and deeply fulfilling relationships their Soul came here to birth to reality.
As a previous accountant for nearly 30 years, Tess’ area of expertise is inner reconciliation, balance and soul integration. She helps accomplished executives, leaders and professionals on the path to greater leadership find inner stability, balance and peace of mind that lasts.
Known for her “no parts left behind” integrative approach, Tess specializes in vertical alignment (a process that integrates all 4 of your major energy centers – Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual). The result: Whole and Complete Soul Integration.Tess is a Certified Master Strategy Coach, Strategic Interventionist, Behavioral Assessment Coach, NLP practitioner, and an expert in Higher Self Awakening and Enlightenment . Her teaching focuses on the clear and fearless “middle way” of the heart.
Her mission: Lighten the load and light up Souls. One Awakening Heart at a time.
Her message is 1) you are not broken, and 2) you hold the power in your own heart to transmute the yearning for connection into power and enlightenment. This is a potent combination in today’s divisive and disconnected world.