
Awaken Possibilities: Embrace the Feminine Power!

Has this ever happened to you?

You are totally “on fire” about a project, you obsess about it, you don’t sleep to get it done, and then you take on another project, and another, and next thing you know, you’re out of control and you don’t even know it?

You start feeling sluggish, you eat more to regain energy, too tired to exercise, then you feel heavy and lazy, then you look at your husband and you think he doesn’t think you’re attractive. Next thing, you’re questioning your marriage because it is missing a spark!

That was me! I shared with my coach that I am just not feeling it from my husband and the result of our session took me by surprise! I thought I got everything figured out. But she pointed out one thing. I was neglecting myself. I was losing connection with myself, hence, not feeling sexy and attractive. I was being more masculine than feminine.

A lightbulb moment.

Hence, the birth of Awaken Possibilities: Embrace the Feminine Power. A 12-week email course on extreme self care to discover, cultivate and fully express the authentic you! Absolutely free of charge. My gift to you for the Holidays! It starts January 1st, 2014!

And I hope you join me! Because I need strength in number and accountability!

Email me at tess@openheartmindcoaching.com to sign me up! And let’s reclaim our Feminine Goddess together!

In the meantime, keep an eye out for my next blog on “Reflections… Thank You, 2013!” It sure was one hell of a ride!

Until then, I wish you love, light and many more blessings for a Prosperous and Joy-Filled New Year.