
The Six Human Needs Test

Take the test and find out what’s driving your emotions and behavior.

The Human Needs Psychology, also known as The Six Human Needs , is the original work of my mentors Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes of Robbins Madanes Training.

According to Tony Robbins, “The first step in changing any situation is to understand how that situation meets the six human needs. The six human needs are the most powerful and versatile tool we use to create any kind of change in our life. Why? Because we believe that the six human needs hold the key to all human behavior, whether the behavior is positive or negative. If you look at any successful person in any part of the world, you’ll find that they truly understand their own needs—what makes them tick, what makes them passionate, what makes them committed. When you understand this about yourself, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to do. So let’s take a moment to understand what you’re doing to meet your needs. When you understand that, you’ll have access to the real source of power in your life…The six human needs are universal for everybody.”

Take the 6 human needs test

Click HERE to Take the Test.

My training under Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes as a Certified Strategic Intervention Coach helped me tremendously in my own journey and now helping my own clients.

Human Needs Psychology is a foundational piece incorporated in Soul Powered Method. Feel free to drop me a line if you have a question I can answer for you.

Or if you are ready to transform your life, lover and leadership in  a way that feels good and consistent and aligned with your Soul, just click on the link below to get you started.

Questions? Email tess@tessvergara.com to ask how Human Needs Psychology can help you transform your life and create the results you desire

To learn more about how to incorporate human needs psychology in your life and business and return to wholeness, , apply for a free half hour session with me.

Ready to transform your life the Soul Powered Way?

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