
Happy Birthday, Courage.

Wow! It’s the 18th anniversary of my 30th birthday!!! Woohooo

My 30th birthday was the day I found true COURAGE.

It was the day I told my first husband, father of my then 2 year old and new born baby, I wanted a divorce.

It was the day I freed myself and my children from generational cycle of domestic violence.

It’s been 18 years since and I never looked back. I wouldn’t trade the 15 years I was a single mom and sole provider for my children. I love my independence and flexibility – living life my way, my terms, my decisions – and I am proud of all my hard-earned successes and accomplishments.

Then and now, I choose to live life with no regrets.

Photo at 2.5 and 0.5 years then at 20 and 18

Fast forward to today… 18 years later,  I am months away from empty nesting. Yes to more freedom and independence.

Which is why getting remarried 3½years ago triggered me – it threatened my need to be free and independent. Through coaching and personal development training, I learned to break free from the old me and become congruent and deeply aligned with my highest being so I can live the abundant life I truly yearn and long for and still be free and true to who I really am.

This month, February, was extra challenging. Yet, I am so grateful that even during the most painful and trying challenge and what seems like never ending growth spurts, I am now able to spring back up unfazed in no time at all. 

Gone are the days of self pity. Gone are the days I wore my workaholic badge like a medal of honor and escaped reality through work. Gone are the days I cried myself for days and not want to wake up.

Now there’s an absolute certainty, an unshakeable faith and inner knowing that knows I am exactly where I need to be and that all is well, and a much greater desire to be where I am called to be.

Now, on the 18th anniversary of my COURAGE, I am immensely grateful that I found courage again to to be quitting a job that no longer fills me.

And the courage to serve and empower more people find their own courage.

Courage to not settle for what life brings, but to take charge and create the life they want to live and experience.

I am so blessed to be in this place of joy and abundance and powerfully lead myself and others make conscious choices to live life by design not by default.

I believe we are each put on earth to contribute beyond ourselves. If you are ready to step up and show up and would like some support to find courage, I would love to help.  Click here to schedule a free 45 minute Get Unstuck Consultation or email me at Tess@openheartmindcoaching.com.

Awake, Alive, Audacious.