
What is Awakening Coaching?

Feeling Stuck?

Or maybe out of control?

Do you want to do something but feel confused because you don’t even know what you want and what is blocking you? It’s strange coz you can’t even pinpoint exactly why you are feeling what you are feeling. It’s just so unlike you to freeze up like this. 

You know this is not who you are.

Who is this frustrated, angry, discouraged, helpless and disempowered person that just showed up out of the blue. You tried to shake it off, you know it isn’t who you are, but nothing you do makes sense anymore or matter anyway.

You are very successful and work very hard at what you do but you can’t help but feel you are just spinning away in hamster wheel going nowhere at all.

Worst of it is, you are surrounded by people everyday and there’s no one to share your feelings with. You feel so utterly alone and disconnected and you just close up and shut down more and more each day.

You tried self-help and self-care, yet, no matter how hard you try and be happy, this nagging feeling of restlessness and emptiness just keep tugging at you.


I hear you.

I was there.

If you were like me, you probably wondered “what is wrong with me?” then try to convince yourself and others “I am fine” when deep down you feel miserable, or feel like a fraud, unable to enjoy success and can’t figure out why you just can’t be happy.

Who are you?

Why are you here?

What are you looking for?

What are you longing for?

What do you really want?

Is this it?

Is this all there is to it?

Your vision will become clear
Only when you look into your heart
Who looks outside, dreams
Who looks inside, awakens
~Carl Jung

Life is a series of awakenings

Awakening is realizing you are not who you think you are. You are more powerful, radiant and brilliant than you have ever allowed yourself to be or imagine. And you are waking up.

There’s a part of you wanting to burst free from prison. You can no longer deny the ache for something more. You know you deserve a great life. You’re ready to shift. You’re ready to take action.

Except doubt and fear gets in the way.

I too struggled for direction and guidance and felt so misunderstood, alone, and unsupported. I always owned up to my responsibilities because I believe life is what we make it. But one day it all came crashing halt and I didn’t understand why.

When later jolted into a rude awakening, I came to a painful realization that I had been blind and asleep a lot of my suffering was my own creation.

I realized (real eyes) that we have the power to permanently transform our lives, not by fixing, there is nothing to fix, nor by getting, we are already whole and complete, but by aligning with our true nature – which is love, joy and abundance.

In fact, we do not transform into something new. We unravel. We re-member.

We wake up and remember who we really are and have simply forgotten.

What I did not know I was yearning for was to come in alignment, body, mind and spirit – to become whole. To birth my soul.

Awakening is an ongoing process of becoming a WHOLE person.

“Spirit” comes from the Latin word spiritus, meaning breath, or life force energy. Spirit is always within us, yearning, longing to be fully and authentically expressed through us, as us.

Having witnessed my own suffering due to the mind’s resistance to yield control over to spirit, I felt compelled to lay out a practical and pragmatic path to understanding consciousness evolution and spiritual awakening.

Although my approach is deeply intuitive and tends to be spiritual, awakening coaching is not about religion or spiritual practice.

Open Heart Mind Coaching is a non-hierarchical relationship, it’s a co-creative partnership, based on openness and trust, where I ask you the powerful questions that brings forth the remembrance of your deeper truth and uniqueness.

It is a unique collaborative process tailor made to your individual needs, preference and process to enable you to connect with your true source of power, and create the life that expresses your true spirit. The life your soul is longing to live and experience.

Why get coaching when there are already a ton of books on spirituality and personal development?  Done alone, you end up sabotaging yourself because of ego resistance.

Mind and emotion do not easily surrender to Spirit which is why coaching is not only necessary but a must if you truly want to set your spirit free. It’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck in the trappings of the battle between the mind, emotion and spirit.


“Waking up to who I really am” can feel pretty scary.

Surrendering the will and the ego will be tough. But when student is ready, the teacher appears. I feel very strongly that I suffered through my own darkness and resistance so I can compassionately guide and support you in your awakening awakening.

Awakening coaching will help you dissolve anxiety, fears, blocks and resistance to enable you to unleash higher possibilities. You awaken the inner spark and power to create a life aligned to your joy and being, and one that delivers the excitement, fulfillment and meaning you’ve been longing for.

As an Awakening Coach, I am highly trained in 7 core competencies:

Inspired certainty: means I hold space and unwavering certainty and confidence about who you are in your essence, your pure potentialities as a Soul in a body. 

Absolute presence: mean I am totally present, highly aware and tuned in as conduit of Divine Flow and Presence. 

Radical Awakening: means I help you shift from incessant mind chatter and distractions into awakened awareness and recognition of your true nature and highest potentials.

Radical Releasing: means I guide you to experience and release energetic charges and blocks that are still held in the body which inhibit your ability to be present and respond to life authentically.

Embodied Awakening: means I guide you not just experience yourself in higher consciousness but truly support you in living awakening in every aspect of your day to day life.

Midwifing Your Unique Gift: means I help you recognize and bring forth your unique brilliance and gifts. By fully owning your Unique Soul Contributions, you respond to the circumstances of your daily life from an empowered, expansive state of consciousness.

Spontaneous creation: means supporting you recreate reality from the inside out instead. Instead of trying to change circumstances of your life, you are bringing forth the energy of creation from within yourself from a natural state of beingness, like abundance, creativity, joy, peace, love. 

I will guide you to break through your deepest fears and limiting patterns that is holding you back from having the extraordinary life you deserve and desire.

I can help you more than just achieve your goals and successes.

I can help you create a truly magnificent life that echoes your Soul’s deepest longings.

Nothing brings me greater joy than see you fully awake, alive, audacious.

If you are interested in getting more information about how we could work together click here .