
Outrageous Love and Thanks!

I would like to thank everyone on behalf of Filipinos everywhere for the outpouring of kindness and generosity from around the world. We appreciate your heartfelt offering of love, prayers, comfort, support and aid after Typhoon Haiyan ravaged our beloved Philippines.

It was heartbreaking to witness the devastation, suffering and pain from afar… and even more heartbreaking to witness the proliferation of rumors and disturbing articles and videos floating online… all based on FEAR… the collective pulse of distrust, of Filipinos everywhere sick and tired and angry of the same old greed, manipulation, corruption and distortion.

Yet amidst the looming confusion, desperation and hopelessness in such a  large scale a disaster, it is amazingly beautiful to witness massive relief kicking in – people from all over the world stepping up to support one another to rally volunteers, relief efforts and donations. People helping people. People rising up to be counted. People being there for humanity.

This video by Anderson Cooper beautifully portrayed the real beauty and strength of Filipino people especially resilience and a deep, unwavering faith and trust in God. This is what we are made up of – not the negative publicity – not the bickering and accusations. This – PURE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for one another – is the true trait of a Filipino.

“We live in a world of outrageous pain. The only response to a world of outrageous pain is outrageous love. We need to become Outrageous Lovers.

The only way to respond to the outrageous pain is to commit acts of outrageous, audacious joy and love. Every time your hearts breaks it also opens more deeply. More pain can enter your heart and more outrageous love action can come from within your heart.

When your heart opens you are filled with the powerful energy of outrageous love that makes you more whole. When you let your heart break you do not become broken. You become more whole. There is nothing more whole than a broken heart.”

~ Marc Gafni, excerpted from Unique Self Awakening. For more, here’s Outrageous Love and Tragedy.

Many thanks to you outrageous lovers all over the world.

Thank you for your gift of life, light and courage.

As for the collective fear, distrust and confusion in the Philippines, I have full faith that many will now take heed and action, awakening their hearts and minds to fully open and answer to the beckoning of outrageous love – for the rebuilding of a great and abundant nation, The Pearl of the Orient Seas, with unsurpassed beauty and lush, in her loving service and contribution to God, the world, her people, and all of humanity.

It is time to wake up!

Join me in my vision.

“I believe in absolute oneness of God and, therefore, also of humanity. What though we have many bodies? We have but one soul. The rays of the sun are many through refraction. But they have the same source. It comprehends the whole of humanity. Its realization would thus mean the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi in an article, published in his Journal, “Young India” (September 25, 1942).

In love and gratitude.
