
Take Back Your Power

Why is it we deny our own needs and desires and hold ourselves back? And then we wonder why we can’t trust anyone?

It’s because we stopped trusting ourselves. We haven’t been standing up for ourselves. We have been letting ourselves down each and every time we deny our own needs, desires and intuition.

Time to take our power back. Start by asking yourself what would it take to honor your own needs and desires? Where am I not speaking up? Where am I dimming my own brilliance?

What do you really want, dear heart?

LISTEN. And don’t be afraid to find the truth about you even if it means not fulfilling others’ expectations.

Ask yourself – “Where have I given away my power? ‘Coz I want it back. I want all of it back.” Then slowly do everything in your power to meet your needs not relying from outer source, but you meeting your own needs.

From that place of trusting yourself, notice, just notice the SHIFT.