
What’s on this month?

February 2021!!!

First off, Soul Powered Leaders, sign up for FREE 365 days of email prompts to bring to focus our shared Soul-deep desire to fully live and expand into Heaven on Earth!!! There’s power in seeding and I would so love to have you hold the intention and space with me!!! 


Second, FREE WORKSHOP exclusive to Soul Powered Leaders Facebook Community!  I know how powerful it was for me and now mine needs updating, so please join the group, and join the workshop! Free to join both!

Join our Facebook Community to join this members only workshop.

Third, on our February’s F R E E Monthly Soul Powered Leaders Training,  we will be focusing on the topic of TRANSITION, as we reflect with 20/20 vision and take back our power this year.
IMake sure to find out more and register here:

*Limited and controlled, like you have no personal autonomy?
*Anxious about money, and struggling to see financial opportunities?
*Dependent on your current job or career path?
*Fearful of losing your job or pivoting into something new?
*Trapped, suffocated, and restricted in your personal and/or professional life?

Wake up call: you don’t have to hand over your power anymore! To register go here: https://openheartmindcoaching.com/shows/soul-powered-leadership-training/



And don’t forget to check our latest podcast interview at Soul Power To The People Podcast.  Make sure to subscribe and learn more here: https://openheartmindcoaching.com/podcast/


February 2021 is going to be AHHHHMAZING!!!