
Holy Fire!

Calling Out Soul Powered Leaders, Lightworkers and Changemakers

Our so-called leaders have failed us and DELIBERATELY led their people to slaughter.

Now it is up to us to step up and take leadership of our own lives. 

Not from a place of fear and hijacked, programmed, conditioned mind, but from a place of knowing and truth that you know deep down within.

But from the level of Soul.

From the level of Soul.

If like me, you can no longer sit on the sidelines and watch the atrocities and injustices happening all over the globe that are profoundly affecting the human race, then check out these free trainings I created to guide you to open up activate your Soul Power.

The world is witnessing the collapse of the old hierarchical, tyrannical, power-over type of leadership. Are you called to be the change, and show the world how to lead authentically?

What might be possible if you said yes to your Unique Spark of Pure Source Consciousness?

Are you ready to step up and find out?

Are you ready to step into Soul Powered Leadership?


At each of this free workshops, we explore topics that will allow you to:

  • Activate a deeper awakening and break free of a world run by fear, lack, victimhood, scarcity, and separation
  • Experience shifts in perspective and reality as you become more receptive to your universe serving you at your highest
  • Develop authentic confidence, trust your inner knowing, and act on your intuition
  • Strengthen your  knowing and understanding your value and worth
  • Deepen your unshakeable connection with Soul Power
  • Clarify your divine mission, higher purpose, and the difference you were born to make 
  • Play full out as a Soul Powered Leader and live a full, rich and deeply satisfying life.

Enjoy the playlists of replays below:


Soul Powered Leadership Series:


Soul Powered Activation Series:


Awakening Hearts Series: