

Soul Power: Love, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship

In my experience, two profound journeys stand out—entrepreneurship and love relationships. They aren’t just paths we walk; they are transformative odysseys that shape who we are and how we lead, both in business and in our most intimate connections. This intersection is what I love most about coaching: guiding business … Read More

Unveiling the Power of Group Program for Women Leaders in Accounting

In the journey of personal and professional growth, coaching has become a pivotal tool for business owners and professionals illuminating pathways to success and fulfillment. But when it comes to coaching, the choice between one-on-one coaching and group coaching can be pivotal. Let’s explore the transformative potential of group coaching, … Read More

Navigating Grief: When a Death Anniversary Hijacks Your Birthday

Today marks the third year since my mother’s passing. It’s also my birthday. And every year, without fail, the anniversary of her death hijacks what should be a day of celebration. There’s no sugarcoating it—grief is a heavy burden to bear. It weighs on you, pressing down with an overwhelming … Read More

The Wellness Way

Dr Matt of The Wellness Way Interviews Soul Powered Coach, Tess Vergara on the 4 Pillars to Wellness and Wholeness, and the rock solid foundation of Soul Power (vs Fear Power)

Pattern for Health

Angela Grover of Pattern for Health Nutritional Therapy interviews Tess Vergara about how being in alignment can speed healing! (Nov 2019).

KYMN Radio

Wayne Eddy of KYMN Radio interviews Tess Vergara (May 2018).

View Beyond Interview

Vincent Tuckwood of View Beyond LLC interviews Tess Vergara to discuss her coaching practice and the change she helps bring to life!

Dr. Bart Rademaker

Dr. Bart Rademaker interviews Tess Vergara. Check out this interview to learn 3 levels of consciousness.