
Unwrapping the True Gift of Christmas

In 12 Days of Christmas, I shared steps and processes on how to be fully present with, and allow emotions to be fully felt, especially painful experiences we’d rather deny or resist, so we can release what is blocking and limiting us from fully expressing and experiencing each present moment.

When we are fully present in the present moment, and not stuck in the past or obsessed with the future, we open up to the fullness of light, beauty and magnificence of the Unique Gift and Divine Presence inside of us.

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on them light has shone… “

Isaiah 9:2

So, what if to truly welcome the birth of Christ, to truly celebrate and embody the Joy and Spirit of Christ-mass, what if the real invitation is to first prepare the manger inside of us?

What if Christmas is about preparing the manger inside of us, and clearing the debris and junk out of our heart space, so we can make room for Christ to grow and shine from within?

Unraveling the untruths, unwrapping the true of gift of Christmas, the joy and innocence of the child Christ in you, the real you, releases you from the prison that separates you from yourself, and from pain of holding back on fully expressing and experience the love that is you.

Within each of us is the light of Christ waiting to shine and become visible.

Come along on this journey with me. And if you have already done this once, let’s ground it even deeper this time around.

“For anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

Ephesians 5:14

Merry Christmas from Vancouver, BC. !!!