
Personal Development

Crimes Against Humanity: Are Your Hands REALLY Tied? 

Crimes Against Humanity: Are Your Hands REALLY Tied?  Crimes against humanity are running rampant. People are exerting power over others unlike ever before, with so many horrendous things happening behind our backs. Society is unconsciously stripping our freedom and autonomy from us on so many levels — from the air … Read More

Emotional Swings?

It’s crazy! So many people are coming to me sharing their fear, frustration and confusion with the ups and downs of their emotions that have them feeling out of control, extremely sensitive, and losing their mind with excessive fear and worry. The air is just so dense with relentless bouts of sickness, anxiety, depression, … Read More

What I experienced from Money Breakthrough at Thrive Academy

I was just at my Business School, Thrive Academy’s 3-day Money Breakthrough Event.  As a Strategic Interventionist who coach on wealth creation, emotional mastery and spiritual awakening, this is an event I look forward to the most. Money breakthrough is more than just recognizing what limiting beliefs you have about money. It is going … Read More

How to be an Entrepreneur and not be BROKE

Are you doomed to be broke?  Since becoming self-employed in April, despite all the vigorous coaching training and certifications, even after all the immersive personal and spiritual development I’ve invested in, I share the biggest fear of most coaches and entrepreneurs I’ve coached: “Time is up, I need to get … Read More

On Money and Happiness

I agree with you. Money doesn’t buy happiness. And, let me add this – no amount of money can define who you really are or measure your true worth. So why this sudden obsession about money? Because people’s unhealthy relationship with money is causing a lot of unhappiness and stress … Read More

Confessions of a Procrastinator

Ok… So I joked about putting this off. And sure enough, I have a legitimate excuse since I just started a month-long intensive week-end training. Judging by yesterday’s training, it will be another grueling 12-hour training today. But here I am about to show procrastination it no longer has power … Read More