

I deserve to be…

My mother was back at the hospital this week. Thankfully she was released the next day. Hard as she tried to keep her spirits up so as not to worry me, her voice gave away how weak and tired she felt. Feeling helpless all day long, all I could think … Read More

I Will Survive

What’s your theme song in life? I had a huge belly laugh after I took an online personality quiz: Which song was actually written about you? I got “I will Survive” and I love the message it said about me: You are a fighter! No matter what life throws at you, … Read More

Unique and Divinely YOU

I was at a funeral today and was reflecting yet again how it oftentimes takes pain, terror and grief of losing someone, or almost dying , or a major life change (divorce, illness, job loss, financial ruin) to wake us up to what matters most. In this day and age … Read More

Take Back Your Power

Why is it we deny our own needs and desires and hold ourselves back? And then we wonder why we can’t trust anyone? It’s because we stopped trusting ourselves. We haven’t been standing up for ourselves. We have been letting ourselves down each and every time we deny our own … Read More

Why your sister can’t be your coach

I love my sisters to death. My brothers, too, but they don’t like to talk much. But there were times I did not feel safe sharing my deepest thoughts with them. As second to the youngest of six, they had a way of telling me to shut up or not … Read More

Reflections… Thank You, 2013!

So much has happened for me in 2013 that it was difficult to decide on one particular theme. I made a couple of drafts but was not moved to publish them, not that they weren’t good enough, they just did not reflect 2013’s one definitive message for me. But this … Read More

Outrageous Love and Thanks!

I would like to thank everyone on behalf of Filipinos everywhere for the outpouring of kindness and generosity from around the world. We appreciate your heartfelt offering of love, prayers, comfort, support and aid after Typhoon Haiyan ravaged our beloved Philippines. It was heartbreaking to witness the devastation, suffering and pain … Read More

Confessions of a Procrastinator

Ok… So I joked about putting this off. And sure enough, I have a legitimate excuse since I just started a month-long intensive week-end training. Judging by yesterday’s training, it will be another grueling 12-hour training today. But here I am about to show procrastination it no longer has power … Read More